
Customised IT Websites Databases Spreadsheets Logo Graphic Stationary Creative Design

Key Benefits

  • comprehensive service and advice
  • tailored to suit your individual or corporate requirements
  • Cost effective - basic pre-approved cost with enhancement based ONLY on results


Unless you require a specific Service already known and identified AND, sometimes in any event, we would normally undertake an initial cursory but thorough investigation of your particular business to establish what (if any) areas we perceive that our expertise can be of use or assistance and produce a simple short written report by way of guidance and suggestion for consideration - all without charge.
Subject then to your agreement, we will instigate a thorough investigation of those identified or other matters you wish us to examine and prepare a formal Report with recommendations - at a pre-agreed one-off Fee for our time and advice.
Should you thereafter wish us to exercise any of the recommendations disclosed within the specified areas then contained within that formal Report - we will prepare a Contract for Services tailored to the specific Tasks for you to agree or negotiate until we are both satisfied that the Terms are fully acceptable and agreed in writing by all relevant parties.
For the avoidance of any doubt or ambiguity - the Contract for our Services will include details of any agreed reporting procedures and a realistic time-scale for the Services to be achieved - it will also include the fixed details of the then agreed amount, method and arrangements for payment of our Fee structure for carrying out and/or providing the Services so contracted

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Select the items that apply, and then let us know how to contact you.

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Send mail to andrew@agionix.co.uk with questions or comments about this web site.
Copyright © 2010 Agionix Solutions
Last modified: Thursday, 15th January 2015